"A dream is what makes your heart beat fast, find out before it stops"

Friday, March 23, 2007


"The only unanswerable argument for Christianity is a Christian life."

I think that this is a great quote. The Christian life, if truly lived out the way God meant it to be, will be something that nobody will be able to deny. It will speak the absolute truth of Jesus without even uttering a word.

Would u agree?

Hehe, nice foto!


Blogger Charly said...

Hey, get ready as this will sound really random. May actually be the most random thing you'll get today. So I was "blog-hopping" and I somehow got to your page. And well, I think we're in the same Medsci205 class! Small world? I think so, too.

Anyway, do pardon my probably-unwelcome randomness. I just found this really amusing.

12:53 am

Blogger Jared said...

Hey man thanks for the comment! i'll go check out ur blog now. Hope to cya around uni sometime

12:34 pm

Blogger Charly said...

So I did think right! Hehe I recognized you from my lab stream you see. Oh yeah so if I do randomyl come and say hi in medsci, don't be surprised cause, well, my real name's Maria. People just seem to prefer calling me Charly or Charles. You have a good one, too.

2:11 pm

Blogger Jared said...

rdOh crap sorry, um, i didn't mean to call u man. I couldn't really tell from ur blog foto, u just looked like u had long hair, so i just assumed from ur name. Sorry again. Talk to ya soon then

3:03 pm

Blogger Unknown said...

Hey bro, yeah I agree - we are called to be the "light of the world" - our job is to draw peoples attention to the one who gives life.

Unfortunately, as humans it's easier said than done and even many christians still fall apart at the point of actually living what they 'believe'.


9:24 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Preach the Gospel to all the world - and if necessary use words," - (St. Francis of Assisi)

7:51 am

Blogger Sam said...

Far out, that St Francis of Assisi quote is just like Jeremiah 29 v11 or John 3 v16. Used completely out of context and all the time.

I know what St Francis meant, your life should be a witness to Christ, and everything that we do should point to Him, but it completely disregards the place that there is for speaking the gospel or actually telling people what they need to hear.

A lot of the time I think it's actually serving as an excuse, or a scapegoat for people who are too scared to speak up for what they believe.

4:42 pm

Blogger Mari said...

aww. cute photo

11:14 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha good call Sam!

10:14 pm

Blogger Mari said...

oh st francis,why do i still hear this guy everywhere..
i just rambled on for 3000 words on him 2 days ago.....
at the time people hardly read or couldnt afford bible - coz they were hand written back then, thats y they all give it all and preach by talking body language or paintings(hah).
out of context,i agree.
didn't he preached to birds and a wolf as well?...
interesting guy though, i must say

10:39 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah he studied at School of Theology, University of Auckland. He aced most of his classes except failed 'theology in context'.

8:15 am

Blogger Mari said...

haha funny
how did you know

1:49 pm

Blogger adventuremadlad said...

Yeah bo fully, if we can all live a life full of Christian love and all the patientence, kindness, selflessness that is a part of that, then we are doing our best to be Christ like and people take notice of that

i know i do

I have also come to the realisation that so often words are not needed. (dont hassel this example it would ruin the point)
Why tell you guys that i am working on my lateness issue when i could instead do my best to be on time and through that show you i am working on it. words can often seem empty if a mistake is made and then bam now youre lare and not trusted

something like that

6:03 pm

Blogger Unknown said...

hey jared
just thought i'd post and say that the quote got me thinking. thanks for the musings... might cause my brain to overheat, and mean i'll stay warmer down here in windy welly!!
and shot sam. good call :)

7:18 pm

Blogger adventuremadlad said...

sorry t hijack your blog cuz, but ive made a post at http://adventure-mad-lad.blogspot.com/

9:34 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You havn't blogged and I think you should.



10:43 am

Blogger Jakes said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

8:10 pm

Blogger Jakes said...

Sam what was the context of the quote?

And I can see the problem of applying a specific promise to a specific people group for a specific time, but what is the problem for quoting:

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life"?

How does the context of this verse make us reinterpret this statement in a way that alters its face value?

8:13 pm


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