Escalating Madness
We live in a pretty insane world.
Massacre after massacre, war after war. One group of extremists seeks retribution for something another group did to them 30 years ago, which by an unbreaking chain was as a result of someone being wronged many years before that. It becomes so screwed up that the people who commit many of these atrocities don't even really know why they are doing it, apart from a hatred that has been instilled in them from an early age, and most of which is traced back to some act generations before them. We live in a world of ungrace, whereby as someone is wronged, they feel that they must seek justice and revenge. It is something as simple as this which starts this chain of misery that passes down many generations.
I believe the only way to counter this ungrace, is by its opposite - grace. It seems to me that forgiveness is the only solution to this kind of ongoing conflict. All it takes is for someone to give up their inbuilt pride and hatred, and say sorry. It doesn't even matter if they weren't the ones that started it. But forgiveness goes against all human instinct - it requires a huge personal effort.
Think of the wars in Yugoslavia, Ireland, Korea, and even the United States.
Conflicts started many years earlier have continued a chain of ungrace well beyond the issue and origin of the conflict. We live in a world which constantly seeks for retribution and justice. But forgiveness has its own extraordinary power which reaches beyond law and beyond justice. People don't understand forgiveness. Our very nature tells us to strike back at those who hurt us. But the only way to get past this, is to rise to something greater than that - the amazing healing force of forgiveness which breaks the cycle of ungrace.
There is one major flaw in revenge: it never settles the score.
"Forgiveness may be unfair, but at least it provides a way to halt the juggernaut of retribution."