"A dream is what makes your heart beat fast, find out before it stops"

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Just saw the movie. Pretty dam funny! I can imagine lots of people will get pretty upset by it though lol. Was basically cringing the entire way through the film.

What did u guys think of it???

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


A state government can shut down stores and theatres on Sunday, but it cannot compel worship. It can arrest and punish KKK murderers but cannot cure their hatred, much less teach them love. It can pass laws making divorce more difficult but cannot force husbands to love their wives and wives their husbands. It can give subsidies to the poor but cannot force the rich to show them compassion and justice. It can ban adultery but not lust, theft but not covetousness, cheating but not pride. It can encourage virtue but not holiness.

A vision of the church as it should be: If the world despises a notorious sinner, the church will love her. If the world cuts off aid to the poor and the suffering, the church will offer food and healing. If the world oppresses, the church will raise up the oppressed. If the world shames a social outcast, the church will proclaim God's reconciling love. If the world seeks profit and self-fulfillment, the church seeks sacrifice and service. If the world demands retribution, the church dispenses grace. If the world splinters into factions, the church joins together in unity. If the world destroys its enemies, the church loves them.
That, at least, is the vision of the New Testament church: a colony of heaven in a hostile world.