"A dream is what makes your heart beat fast, find out before it stops"

Friday, January 05, 2007

Super Rep

This foto is of me and super rep at Bondi Beach in Sydney

I miss Nick Park. U know what, i think that this guy was one of the reasons that 7th form at Rangi 2004 was such an interesting and awesome experience. Even though some people thought that he was slightly strange (sorry nick if u are reading this), he really was and is a great guy. I miss those "Nick Park, super rep", and "Hey guys, *click click* somehooowwww", and "Kali George, do u wanna go to the ball with me??", and all that crazy stuff that started to become some of the school sayings. Well, I can certainly say that he made my year that much more interesting, and I will definitely have a lot of stories to tell my grandkids about him.

Go nick park, super rep, u are a legend!!!